Friday, March 28, 2014


I chose this song because it reflects the local beauty in which we live and indicates clearly of that WE MUST NEVER FORGET WHICH OUR ROOTS ARE.

We belong to different countries, we speak different languages, but our blood is what makes us brothers.

"I am Latin America, a people without legs but that walks"

I Ain't Second To None

When I was a kid, my parents gave me a DVD with the Michael Jackson videos. I would watch it every single day. I loved them all, but this one stood out for me and became my favourite instantly.

From the lack of communication in the family to the different cultures of the world, this video is all about respect and equality. To think about the other as the same as you, and the world as one.

It shows us distinctive cultures and races from around the world, not indicating any as superior to others. Not only it encourages acceptance to others but to ourselves as well. "I ain't second to none" sings Jackson to point that our status has no association with the colour of our skin.

It also makes an allusion about the Ku Klux Klan uniform when saying "I ain't scared of no sheets, I ain't scared of nobody", the message is for us to speak up whenever there is an injustice, to truly believe no one should hurt us in any way and to fight for our rights and our beliefs, obviously as long as these are not detrimental to others.

Do you think racism has decreased within the years? Is there an opposite side of this? People who feel inferior because of their race?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The music Revolution

The music revolution

How many times do we listen to "The Beatles"? Undoubetly many times, but ... How many times do we   really pay atention into the lyrics?  

"Across the universe" is a movie that use the whole Greatest Hits of The Beatles.
Jude (Hey Jude) is a man that get bored of the politic system in England, so he decides to travel to USA to look for his dad. In the way he meet the Cardigans brothers, Max (Maxwell's Silver Hammer) and Lucy (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds), and they becomes into travel partners in New York. When he will meet to the young and misfits Prudence (Dear Prudence) also Sadie ("Sexy Sadie" Janis Joplin), Jojo ("Get back" Jimmy Hendrix), Dr. Robert (Doctor Robert), between others.
This film show us the true story of the 60's meanwhile the music of The Beatles sounds in the Radios. 

In this movie the songs shows a story, that make us think and pay it attention to the songs.  I give you a invitation to see this movie and get excited :) 

When you're just One

Have you ever wondered that if you're just a single student in your class, in your campus, in your entire University, you are even less than One in, for example, War?
Well, in the song that goes by the same name, wich is a classic of the band "Metallica", Written by James Hetfield (Voice) and Lars Ulrich (Drums) they put you in the perspective of a fallen Soldier that wanted to serve his country, but encountered a Landmine that made him lost everything (I don't want to get into details, but he was just a torso with a tube that feed him... rough) and just wanted to die. He lost so much in War, it doesn't matter what country he came from, what were his likes or dislikes, what was his religion, or his political inclination. He just wants to stop breathing.
He can't see, can't eat, can't walk, tied to machines that make him be... sorry, couldn't resist quoting the song.

It really sounds tough the way it is shown via lyrics, but it really attracted me how the song shows you and wants you to see (hence, why the message or song exists in the first place) how, in conflicts or wars, it doesn't matter who you are, what you are or what you want, you're just there, fighting and basically praying to any God to help you live, not the next day, but the next hour. And most important, you're nobody, you're just a human being, you're not American, Indian, Affrican, or Russian, you're just One human. You don't have a culture, you're just there, doing nothing but defend a culture that in the end, means nothing.

Well... What else to say, when it's about War, I think everyone should understand it on the same way, weather it's on One side (The nurse) or another... (The soldier)... and that would be it, I could rant a lot more, but I think I've made my point...  By the way, yes, the video is ugly as hell. Here's a live version of it, wich is cooler, lol

Cool scenery, Uh? Hope you liked the song and the entry... funny fact, the song appeared in Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock as One of the last songs in story mode... you had to play it in Hell... okey that's it take care bye bye

Do not follow the current !

HELLO EVERYONE : D I would like to present you to "Babilonia" by Morodo. This is one of my favorites songs, because Morodo says thing that i considered very important, for example he says that your life is already programmed, you born, go to school, go to college, get a girlfriend, get married, have a son and then die. But he also says, "Do not follow the current", make your own life, you are the owner of your life, no one can say to you what to do. Some people might understand different this song, probably they just focus in the first part, but don't do that ! You have to listen carefully the second and most important part. 
I think this song gives you a very important value, and that value is FREEDOM!.
"Tu mandas en tu Vida"

Someone of us could say that feel respect and love for the other people, but...How many of us feel the real love for people who doesn´t belong to our social circle?

Is the biggest question because all of us never feel a complete empathy for all the world.
 The next song talk about this: How the people is having a bad relationship with the others who don't participate in their social circle.

What is the relation with the Lesson? It's easy, the lyric of song teachs to you how you have to be with the other people. This song show you how is the society today, and what things are needed to make a better world.
I really don´t like people who is not sociable with the people who is alone. We have to open our hearts an let them get inside there.

¡¡Be the change and break the barrier that don't let us share with all people!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Materialistic Society

I share with you the song "Society" by Eddie Vedder, song that became kown by the film "Into the Wild". "Society" is about a man that disagrees with that people are seeking satisfaction and happiness through the addiction to obtaining objects and this is why he decided to step aside and released from consumerism.
Some people can think that the society is sick, because when many people have money to misspend, few others don't have money for food. Other people can understand this song as a wake-up call to join them to a simpler and fairer life.
According to the film , that is a revelation of materialism and the desire to escape from itself, and also according to the songwriter Eddie Vedder that is an activist who constantly criticizes the government, I could say that this song and the video are a call to be aware about that we need to say goodbye to this materialistic society and change the way we live.
I am still being part of this type of society. Will you take this wake-up call?

I hope you like this amazing song and please share with me your comments.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

My favorite song

I would like to introduce you to ‘’Ven ven’’ by Zaturno, a Chilean musician and rapper. ‘’Ven ven’’ is about the injustice with the people, about faith and hope, racism, classism and capitalism. I like to listen this song because Zaturno tells us that every problem has a solution, and that’s a good reason to enjoy day by day, living for today. The video is really bored, but the lyrics is awesome. Zaturno use a play on words for ‘’catch-the-eye’’ and it works.  
Different people can understand that Zaturno has hope in the society (that everything will change), and other people can understand that Zaturno is a social misfit. In the song, he impels us to fight for our rights, even if we are from the lowest social class. He impels us to looking up and see beyond the window. He says that the money cannot buy the life and that the time heals everything.
The message is being sent because there are many people who need to change the way they see the life. There are so much problems in our society and a very few people fighting for it. Zaturno invites us to do the right thing and live our life no matter the problems. 

I invite you to listen the song and share your comments.