Thursday, March 27, 2014

Do not follow the current !

HELLO EVERYONE : D I would like to present you to "Babilonia" by Morodo. This is one of my favorites songs, because Morodo says thing that i considered very important, for example he says that your life is already programmed, you born, go to school, go to college, get a girlfriend, get married, have a son and then die. But he also says, "Do not follow the current", make your own life, you are the owner of your life, no one can say to you what to do. Some people might understand different this song, probably they just focus in the first part, but don't do that ! You have to listen carefully the second and most important part. 
I think this song gives you a very important value, and that value is FREEDOM!.
"Tu mandas en tu Vida"

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