Friday, March 28, 2014

I Ain't Second To None

When I was a kid, my parents gave me a DVD with the Michael Jackson videos. I would watch it every single day. I loved them all, but this one stood out for me and became my favourite instantly.

From the lack of communication in the family to the different cultures of the world, this video is all about respect and equality. To think about the other as the same as you, and the world as one.

It shows us distinctive cultures and races from around the world, not indicating any as superior to others. Not only it encourages acceptance to others but to ourselves as well. "I ain't second to none" sings Jackson to point that our status has no association with the colour of our skin.

It also makes an allusion about the Ku Klux Klan uniform when saying "I ain't scared of no sheets, I ain't scared of nobody", the message is for us to speak up whenever there is an injustice, to truly believe no one should hurt us in any way and to fight for our rights and our beliefs, obviously as long as these are not detrimental to others.

Do you think racism has decreased within the years? Is there an opposite side of this? People who feel inferior because of their race?

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