Thursday, March 27, 2014

The music Revolution

The music revolution

How many times do we listen to "The Beatles"? Undoubetly many times, but ... How many times do we   really pay atention into the lyrics?  

"Across the universe" is a movie that use the whole Greatest Hits of The Beatles.
Jude (Hey Jude) is a man that get bored of the politic system in England, so he decides to travel to USA to look for his dad. In the way he meet the Cardigans brothers, Max (Maxwell's Silver Hammer) and Lucy (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds), and they becomes into travel partners in New York. When he will meet to the young and misfits Prudence (Dear Prudence) also Sadie ("Sexy Sadie" Janis Joplin), Jojo ("Get back" Jimmy Hendrix), Dr. Robert (Doctor Robert), between others.
This film show us the true story of the 60's meanwhile the music of The Beatles sounds in the Radios. 

In this movie the songs shows a story, that make us think and pay it attention to the songs.  I give you a invitation to see this movie and get excited :) 

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