Thursday, March 27, 2014

When you're just One

Have you ever wondered that if you're just a single student in your class, in your campus, in your entire University, you are even less than One in, for example, War?
Well, in the song that goes by the same name, wich is a classic of the band "Metallica", Written by James Hetfield (Voice) and Lars Ulrich (Drums) they put you in the perspective of a fallen Soldier that wanted to serve his country, but encountered a Landmine that made him lost everything (I don't want to get into details, but he was just a torso with a tube that feed him... rough) and just wanted to die. He lost so much in War, it doesn't matter what country he came from, what were his likes or dislikes, what was his religion, or his political inclination. He just wants to stop breathing.
He can't see, can't eat, can't walk, tied to machines that make him be... sorry, couldn't resist quoting the song.

It really sounds tough the way it is shown via lyrics, but it really attracted me how the song shows you and wants you to see (hence, why the message or song exists in the first place) how, in conflicts or wars, it doesn't matter who you are, what you are or what you want, you're just there, fighting and basically praying to any God to help you live, not the next day, but the next hour. And most important, you're nobody, you're just a human being, you're not American, Indian, Affrican, or Russian, you're just One human. You don't have a culture, you're just there, doing nothing but defend a culture that in the end, means nothing.

Well... What else to say, when it's about War, I think everyone should understand it on the same way, weather it's on One side (The nurse) or another... (The soldier)... and that would be it, I could rant a lot more, but I think I've made my point...  By the way, yes, the video is ugly as hell. Here's a live version of it, wich is cooler, lol

Cool scenery, Uh? Hope you liked the song and the entry... funny fact, the song appeared in Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock as One of the last songs in story mode... you had to play it in Hell... okey that's it take care bye bye

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