Monday, March 24, 2014

Materialistic Society

I share with you the song "Society" by Eddie Vedder, song that became kown by the film "Into the Wild". "Society" is about a man that disagrees with that people are seeking satisfaction and happiness through the addiction to obtaining objects and this is why he decided to step aside and released from consumerism.
Some people can think that the society is sick, because when many people have money to misspend, few others don't have money for food. Other people can understand this song as a wake-up call to join them to a simpler and fairer life.
According to the film , that is a revelation of materialism and the desire to escape from itself, and also according to the songwriter Eddie Vedder that is an activist who constantly criticizes the government, I could say that this song and the video are a call to be aware about that we need to say goodbye to this materialistic society and change the way we live.
I am still being part of this type of society. Will you take this wake-up call?

I hope you like this amazing song and please share with me your comments.


  1. I totally LOVE this song and the movie. It would be a good option to watch in class and discuss.

  2. This is my fovourtie movie!! The soundtrack is amazing and I love the story.
