Thursday, May 1, 2014

Bloody Mary

Mary I , was queen of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death. Her executions of protestan caused her opponents to giver her the sobriquet "Bloode Mary". This part of the history caught my attention, because in her reig, killed 300 protestans, for this reason i want to search more about her. And this i what i found:

His intention was at all times to restore Catholicism in England, she abolished many of the laws promulgated by Edward VI and imprisoned the Protestant bishops. In 1554 she married Philip II, heir to the Spanish Crown and son of the Emperor Charles V, who hoped to establish an alliance with England to isolate France .

During his reign he suffered two false pregnancies, so it was speculated that it could be due to the pressure to create an heir. His death occurred November 17, 1558 in St. James's Palace. While his testament was collecting his will to be buried next to his mother, she was finally buried in Westminster Abbey, who would later share with Isabel I.

I think that this Queen was a very strong woman, and I think that no one could make her change of opinion". 

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