Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mississippi Burning

Can you believe that between 1870 and 1970, just for been black, you will have to suffer, scape, run away, specially if you were born in the south of Unitad State?  

It was a very hard period of time, when be a white person practically mean be perfect. Look it in this way, if you were in a game, and this game will be about living in USA, you can choose the difficulty to start this, white will be easy, and black will be extremely hard. And, why ?. Because they couldn't have the same houses, the same schools, means of transport, even the bathroom were separated, also all the fraternities and clubs had prohibited to admit black people.

The opportunities in practice were not the same for blacks and whites. For example white public schools received more money, while black schools were receiving the minimum possible money. A dramatic case was that the black singer Bessie Smith, victim of a car accident . The ambulance that took her, visited all the hospitals in  Mississippi ,in search of a blood transfusion, but none of them allowed to enter because they were "hospitals for white". Bessie Smith bled on the gurney, and after all this STUPID moment, she died because of this "legal" segregation. This fact, and many others, gave rise to the movement for equal rights for blacks, led by Martin Luther King (1929-1968).

There are many cases like this, but in this moment is not necessary to mention them, but that doesn't mean they are less important, the history create conscience, YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST !

This is why i want to share this movie with you. ----> Mississippi Burning.

"In a small town in a southern state of the United States disappear three activists for civil rights, fighting for equal rights. Two of them are white and one black. The FBI responsible for two officers to investigate the case. One of them is Ward, who comes from the North and is liberal, and the second is Anderson , former sheriff in Mississippi, a cynical man who knows southern society. Each of them has their own idea of how solve this issue, but this is not going to be a easy case, because the black people were afraid of talk with the police. The film is based on real events". 

"The day in which blacks are not pointed with the finger or observed in the streets as something "exotic", will be the day that we will have made progress".



  1. Good entry, and very true, specially in the last sentence.
    Progress is being made, but maybe not in the right direction.
    I can't lie, I still surprise myself a little when seeing a black in our streets, that's not necessary bad, but, at the same time, it's not necessary

  2. I liked it a lot because I've learnt something that I didn't know about different rights that white people had with black. Ok, maybe I knew something, but I didn't have idea about which hapenned with bathrooms, for example.
    Finally, like Diego said, you're absolutely right with the last sentence. In fact, I totally agree with you.

