Friday, May 2, 2014


In this class, we learn about cultural diversity, and sometimes we learn about the History about countries like England.

But... The Simpsons are going in the foward, because with their chapters we can learn about Cultural Diversity and History, and we don't know that we are learning!!! It's something too incredible!!
  The Simpsons are always showing stereotyopes of a country, people, etc. But today I will show to you about England and the last class.  In the last class, we learn about Elizabeth Queen History, but in the middle of the class I remember that I learn about this class in other place...Then I thought: In The Simpsons!! 
 Homero was Enrique VIII, and he was unhappy because he can't get divorsed of her wife by the Catholic Church, so, he decided create the "Igloesia Anglicana", and he get divorced 6 times, and he has got 6 wives. The next par of this history is your dutie. I will leave the link, because I relly want to search with you my way to learn something.

I really want that you watch this chapter. You will laugh a lot!!
Other Thing that I didn´t wrote, is the Cultural Diversity in the different chapters, I recommend you watch The Simpsons If you want to learn about History in a different way.
I think, that The Simpsons is a really intelligent TV show, because this program search the way how to make conscience between people, and make us think about the thi

ns that are happening in our world.


  1. I liked it a lot. I love "The Simpsons" and understand you when you say "You will laugh a lot".
    Your post is very funny and different about oher posts. In fact, I think it is the best.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Without doubt the Simpsons are the best, and clearly lesson we something , although sometimes in a more 'stupid', but contribute a lot to learn about cultures and how well you say that the stereotypes people have of other countries. I like the idea of showing a blond 'smart' as it is lisa simpsons , everything contrary to the stereotypes created did the blonds.

  4. I love the simpsons because I think that is a good comedy, because it achieves the aim of this one, make a Social critique under the "funny thing". I think that this comedy can help us to reflect if we discover what the critique it´s about.

    tomato-potato (8)

  5. This is a very interesting entry ! I love it. Someone could think that "The Simpons" don't teach you anything, of course it's a very sarcastic view, but if you realize, they show you the vision that no one wants to show. The Simpsons RULES !
