Friday, May 30, 2014

Non Violence

The last century undoubtedly was the most revolutionary in history. Many wars and revolutions succeed, and the most powerfull movement was the NON VIOLENCE. Which is the Non Violence? It's a Pacificist Movement, was consolidate in the XIX and XX century. This movement encourage the peace for to produce the social changes and search for the equiality. The greatest representants of this movement are Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela

In the XX Century the discrimination and the racism had in their peack. In many parts of the world, the black people lived a different life, but why? 

In the India ocurred a similar case of the discrimination by the  British settlers. Mahatma Gandhi without guns and violence he reached the independece of India in 1947. He stared a revolutionary movement,in 1930, which helped him to involved a lot of people on it.

He practiced the fast, and then he transformed in one of the most important person in the history. "I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent" Gandhi

After this happened, in the South of the United States the black people lived a similar case of the discrimination, but this was a legal. Black and White people lived a different lifes, in different ways. Blacks and Whites couldn't go to the same School, they didn't sit in the same seat. Martin Luther King Jr. Started a pacific movement. Inspired in Gandhi with the Non Violence, Martin archived with his hopeful  speeches ended with the segregation's laws. “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools" M. Luther King.

In Southafrica the situation was very similar. Black and Whites lived a separate lifes. But they called Apartheid which separated the people in different groups, the Whites, African, Blacks and Indigenous. The distribution of the resources depended of the social gruop. This generated social unequeal. Nelson Mandela Inspired in Gandhi, Mandela started a revolutionary movements against apartheid. But in 1967 Mandela was arrested for a second time. Was centenced to life in prison for the rest of his life. After 27 year, he was released. In 1994 Mandela was elected President of the Southafrica.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use the change the world" N. Mandela

I Belive that these revolutionary mens with the use of the Non Violence changed a reality of his people. Gandhi inspire to us to change the world  with this powerful revolution. 
So we like a future teachers we can change the world. What do you think about this? 

1 comment:

  1. I believe they are all very inspiring people. And to be honest, I wish there were more people like them in the world, someone who could lead masses to fight for a noble cause in a non-violent way, someone who would leave a mark and a legacy worth remembering, someone who could EARN the respect of people because of their beliefs and actions. And I must add it is fascinating to read about these cases and relate them.
