Friday, May 2, 2014

The Celtics in our classroom

It's been arround 2 months that we started our first year in the university (most of us), and certainly, there hasn't been any work that was neither funnier nor spectacular as the maps exhibition.

Our job was simple, but complex at the same time, work in groups to prepare a physical representation of a certain region of the English speaking world. My region with my group of course, was the Celtic Fringe. (see the leprechaun? yeah, those people... kidding)

Well, our mission was to talk, give a representation, and inform the other clasmates about the different countries that surrounded the Celtic culture, such as Wales, Ireland, Scotland and Cornwall... well, Cornwall isn't exactly a country, but it's a region with it's own language, so it does fit in the group.

Me and my other classmates divided the work in 13 total points, those included weather, organization, languages, lifestyles... a lot of things! everything possible so everyone could understand everything about the Celtic Fringe.

We, as a team, also learned a lot, we discovered (well, I did at least) the fact that Cornwall isn't actually a country, every single region speaks English in some degree, and everyone follows a same pattern of social reverences that show the fact that they've always kept their essence as Celtic.

We (now all of us) learned a lot about the religions that appear as predominant in the regions, we also learned about each of the region's political administration, for example, Ireland has it's own president, while all the other ones have a first ministry and are under the jurisdiction of the UK, all while keeping their common culture, wich is the Celtic.

But yeah, our main goal was to show our classmates everything we could about the Celtic Fringe, and to see how our own classmates react to the fantastic world of the Celtics. How each and everyone of them understood it, it's up to them, but other than learning the fun about the multidiversity that can be found in a region like the Celtic Fringe is amazing, and I hope all of them catched that part at least

Finally, the geography is beautiful, everything that involves oceanic weather with tons and tons of hills, not to mention mountains, is amazing. In general, the Celtic Fringe has a lot of lakes and rivers that are well known, like Lough Neagh, wich is the biggest of the whole UK or the Loch Lommond, wich is the largest Natural one.

But yeah, the Celtic culture is amazing, I hope we can work with it more often!


  1. Nice entry! The Celtic Fringe is, without a doubt, one of the most attractive things we can find in Great Britain. It's one of those place we usually relate to magic and that kind of stuff (and which I'm a big fan of). However, there are times when we do have to be careful about the things that can happen in celebrations as the St. Patrick's Day. Just go and ask Hulk or The Thing and you'll know about what I'm talking.

  2. Very Good entry ! it was very fun do the maps activity. We worked together in this map activity, and i can say that The Celtic Fringe is one of the best culture in the world, the things that united them are really attractive. Well, here is a link of celta music, it's a video of two hours ( I know that it is an exaggeration) but, this is a very inspirer music,
