Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gandhi Vs Martin Luther King Jr

Very often, people tend to see Martin Luther King Jr. as the spiritual succesor of the ideals held by Mahatma Gandhi, and with good reason. The defensor of the civil rights was inspired by all the actions and ideals that the indian leader had.

From The Salt March, to the non violent movements, Martin Luther King Jr did his best to follow up all the steps that the Indian independance movement stood for. Freedom and peace.

Everyone says that if they existed in the same period of time, they would have been the greatest "freedom team"

Or would them...?

This is the great thing about the internet. You can find parodies about everything, and I repeat, everything.

And thus, YouTube users, EpicLloyd and Nice Peter put up a video about Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. competing directly, neither in a pacifists reunion, nor in hand to hand combat, but in a Rap Battle, in their popular internet show:

Gandhi V/s Martin Luther King Jr.

(Warning, there is NSFW Language in the video)

I think this is hilarious, just how people's imagination can make parodies of such a deep and engaging theme as independance and civil rights leaders.

Now, the video itself really shows the fact that their creators know what they're dealing with (hence the name) and because of that, they have such a popular show. Everyone watches this because, everything in here is so accuarate, that it's funny. And I really think this is an amazing way to engage people into history, I learnt about Martin Luther King Jr. through this video when it was released a couple of years ago.
The thing that caught my attention is how through out the video, you see that, in a really entertaining way, they show us what they stood for. I also love how the battle ends. (SPOLER ALERT) With a hug between the two.

I see this as a way to show that, after all, their ideals lived and now, it's our turn, not as whites, neither blacks, but as humans, to show our respects to their now fullfiled ideals. And overall, thank them for their efforts to make this world a better place for them and for all of us.

I encourage you to see more of this videos in the oficial ERB channel, there are many characters represented in there, there's even a battle between Hitler and Darth Vader! and that's is so random, but at the same time, entertaining and great.

What do you think about the ERB concept, or this video in particular? Funny? disrespectful? weird?

I'm looking forward for your comments :)

1 comment:

  1. I think that the video is very funny, I laughed a lot,and i don't think it is necessary to view this as something offensive. But speaking seriously, I think that Martin Luther King and Gandhi are a tremendous example to any person, they left a legacy, telling to us that we must fight for our rights and what we think is just. Good entry !
